Something to be thankful for

Wild turkey

I have a lot to be thankful for. Right now I am especially thankful for the fact that I don’t have to go out and catch a turkey and get it ready for the oven.  I find turkeys in the woods and along the bike paths in Lilydale regional park. They can run pretty fast and they look big and mean. Sometimes they hang out in gangs and block the bike path.

If you are preparing your first Thanksgiving turkey this year, don’t worry. Turkeys are easy to roast, and yes I know they can be deep fried but I like roasted turkey. Just remember to calculate cooking time based on the weight of the turkey and a low temperature, like 325. Cook the bird until the meat thermometer reads 165.

One member of my family has celiacs disease and another has food allergies. I am happy to report that turkeys are naturally gluten-free and don’t seem to trigger allergic reactions. I am thankful for that too.

Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving.

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