Is downsizing right for you?

If there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that there is not one size fits all housing solution for retirees. There isn’t a retirement age either. We used to assume that when we reach a certain age we will retire and want a smaller house. I have had clients who wanted to move into larger houses during retirement. They wanted space for family gatherings and for children and grandchildren.

You don’t have to move just because you are retiring. You can stay where you are. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it if that is what you want to do.

Downsizing is an option for those who can afford it. Buying and selling can be stressful but it has always worked out for my clients.

downsizing info graphic
Perks of downsizing

Call or write for a free consultation if you are interested in downsizing in the next year or so.

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