Maybe you are looking for a first home or maybe you have purchased several homes. In today’s sellers market having a real estate agent of your very own is critical. Here are some of the services I provide for my clients:
- When I represent buyers I don’t feel it is part of my job to “sell” anything. Instead my role is to guide buyers through the process and give advice and answer questions and help you spend less on a home you will love.
- I can help find a home for sale before it hits the market.
- I have software that helps me set up some pretty specific searches and will send an alert immediately when a home comes on the market that matches the criteria. I also know about some homes before they hit the market.
- As an experienced agent I tour hundreds of homes with buyers each year and have been on at least a hundred home inspections. I understand houses and I know what to look for. I point out things to my clients that they would never notice or look for.
- I have successfully negotiated many offers on homes including low offers. I encourage buyers to ask for what they want and as a buyers agent I represent buyers and help them achieve their goals.
- I know St. Paul very well and I have a lot of experience with older homes and with condos. Experience matters. It is fairly easy to get a real estate license but there isn’t anything about the licensing process that replaces years of actual hands on experience.
- I love house hunting. I hear agents complain about how many homes their clients want to see. I say bring it on. People who are shopping for a home need to see how ever many homes they need to see.
- I have a lot of experience with first time home buyers of all ages and experience with people who are relocating to St. Paul.
- I am also a listing agent which gives me insights into how sellers behave which makes it easier for me to negotiate for buyers.
- In most cases home sellers pay my commission. Other real estate companies tack on an extra fee that can be as much as $550. My fee is less than $200, and is always negotiable.
- In a multiple offer situation I am fast and professional. You won’t need to wait to make an offer and when I write an offer I do it correctly.
- I am a full-time agent and the owner and broker of my own real estate company. I also work nights and weekends.
- Yes I have been through the buying process myself and own a home in Saint Paul.
If you would like to interview me for the job of being your real estate agent please use the contact form or call: 651.216.4603 or text.