Gardening is always a challenge

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Gardening is a favorite hobby of mine. In general, I like plants more than I like some people.

Real estate is the busiest in the spring. Even in the years when home sales slow, spring is still busier than any other time of the year. A significant portion of our business happens in May and that is also when the vegetable and flower gardens need to be prepared and planted.

Most years I don’t think that I will have time for a garden but I always find a way. Here in the bold cold North starting a garden in June works too. The tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers don’t grow much until the daily low temperatures are above 50 degrees. My yard is on a limestone river bluff which means the soil is warmer and we have excellent drainage.

This is the first year that I don’t have a firm plan for my garden but I am sure I will come up with something.

Gardening is worth the work. A longer growing season would be nice.



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