If you were a tree . .

 It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  The weather this week has been amazing.  Warmer weather is good for business because buyers and sellers like to wait until spring and spring came quickly and unexpectedly this week. 

I use a lot of social media including this blog and yes blogs are social media but the term social media is out of style and so this blog is new media which makes no sense at all because it is almost 7 years old and blogging has been around for like 17 years.  

One of my favorite new media social network type thingys is twitter. Over the years I have discovered . . and I think it has been five years now since I started using twitter. . that there is one question I can ask that will always start a conversation and that question is: 

If you were a tree what kind of tree would you be? 

IMG 1279 edited 1
Cotton wood trees on harriet Island for inspiration

If you use twitter you can answer the question and end it with #tre or you can leave an answer in the comments. 

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