There are times when we need help. Moving is one of those times. Maybe there is a house to sell and the owner wants to downsize and buy something smaller. There are plenty of real estate professionals who are eager to help but there are limits to what a real estate agent should be doing. Even though they sometimes act like it real estate agents are not social workers.
Real estate agents should not be giving legal advice or tax advice. A real estate agent should never discourage a client from having an attorney review contracts. Agents are not education experts either. Always verify the school district if that is important in selecting a home.
It is never a good idea to contact a real estate agent and tell them your life story and include comments about your finances. Give out little information when contacting a real estate agent you do not know. Ask a lot of questions.
Real estate agents and Realtors are salespeople first and foremost. Sometimes it helps to talk to a third-party expert, so I recommend calling Senior Linkage Line if you are over 65. They can also recommend resources for older Minnesotans who are aging in place.
The service is free but unlike some of the other “free” services Senior Linkage Line is provided by the State of Minnesota. It isn’t paid for by a third party for making referrals to housing or service providers.