Vacant Vs Occupied

empty room

I just love empty rooms. To me they are full of possibilities. The room in the picture is just about perfect with fresh paint and shiny hardwood floors. There isn’t any dust or clutter and I don’t have any problem imagining it with my own furniture. I feel like I could be very happy in such a room.

It is a widely held belief that empty houses are harder to sell than houses that are fully furnished. I haven’t had any trouble selling empty houses.

Here are some advantages in selling an empty house:

1. The rooms look bigger when they are empty.

2. Pets don’t have to be removed or sequestered for showings.

3. There is no cleaning to do before each showing.

4. The home can be shown at any time without notice.

I think it is true that buyers will linger longer in a home with furniture but I am not sure there is a relationship between time spent in the home and the likely hood that the buyer will make an offer. I totally understand why home builders furnish model homes. Those models serve as gathering and meeting places for buyers and sales people and they often hold sales offices and marketing materials. Builders want buyers to linger and feel at home.

Even though it is a widely held belief that homes are easier to sell if they are fully furnished I have not seen any actual data to back up that theory. There is furniture and decor that can help sell a home and furniture and decor that makes a home harder to sell.

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