Plants and trees are included

it is hard for some folks to believe but some of us have sentimental attachments to plants. I have some peony bushes that came from the family farm. From there they went to a home in St. Paul and then they went to a home in Maplewood. Now they are in my yard. When we decide to sell we will ask out children if they want the plants and if they do we will remove them before the house goes on the market.

Perennial plants and trees are considered part of the property and are included when it is sold.  Most anything can be put in a purchase agreement to buy a house. If the buyer and seller agree in writing the seller can take the plants.

Things go much more smoothly when anything that the sellers do not want to included in the sale are removed from the property before the buyer sees the property.

Sometimes homeowners want to keep light fixtures and other items that are attached to the property.  Again the best way to avoid misunderstanding is to remove those times before the home goes on the market.

Technically under Minnesota law, if the homeowner plants tomatoes or other crops before they sell they are entitled to come back and harvest them.

Pink Peonie

Over the years I have had clients who got most upset over missing hostas and in one case missing rhubarb when they went to take possession of the property.

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