The longest 15 seconds

galaxysmIt is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  I will admit I am rather fond of my phone even attached to it and the longest 15 seconds of my life are when I am looking for my phone.  I rely on it and use it all day long and sometimes I even use it to make phone calls but I lose it a few times a day.

Yesterday I lost it in my car and found it by calling myself with another phone.  Sometimes it gets lost in my purse.

Last summer I lost it at the downtown Farmer’s market.

I totally panicked when I reached for my phone and it wasn’t there.  I retraced my steps through the market.  I checked the brussel sprouts (I love brussel sprouts doesn’t everyone?) and the beets and went past the honey and checked the corn stand.  I could not find it anywhere even though it is in a bright pink plastic case.

It is a good thing I did not report the phone missing because I found it in my other back pocket and not in the back pocket I usually put it in when I need to do something that requires two hands.

Recently while I was showing houses I lost my phone and thought I left it in the house which creates all sorts of problems because I use an app on my phone to unlock the lock boxes to get the keys fot the houses. If I leave my phone inside and put the keys back in the lock box I don’t have a way to get back into the house or to call for help. This is the stuff that heart attacks are made of.

Some days it seems like my phone has a mind of it’s own and hides in random places like on top of the table in the next room just to make me crazy.

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