Getting building permits closed isn’t easy

smoke detectorsI was so proud of myself because I called the city inspections department so that I could get a building permit closed. I made an appointment for today but had to cancel it because I removed the hardwired smoke detector last year when it malfunctioned.

The wiring is still there and there is an operational smoke detector next to the space where the hardwired detector should be.

We don’t have a C02 detector anywhere in the house. I never saw the point in our drafty old house but I am not against the idea.

What does this have to do with closing an open permit for replacing two old rotted basement windows? The city won’t sign off on a permit unless the number, type, and placement of smoke detectors are according to city code. The home must also have a C02 detector.

What do smoke detectors have to do with basement windows? Everything when the windows are in a house in St. Paul and a building permit is involved.

As a reminder, open permits have to be “finaled”* by the city inspector before your St. Paul home can be sold and transferred to a new owner.

A 120-volt “hard-wired” battery-backup smoke alarm must be installed before selling a single-family home. 

Make sure your smoke detectors are up to code before getting any work done that requires a permit. Putting in new wiring for a hardwired smoke detector requires a permit.
I won’t include a link because the city moves the pages around and I end up with broken links. Just google “St. Paul and smoke detectors” or go to and see if you can find the information.
If you would like to know if you have any open permits search for “St. Paul property look-up”.  When the site is working you can type in your address and if there are any open permits you will see them listed.
*”finaled” is a word made up by the city, not to be confused with closed.

The looney sculpture at University and Snelling

A 33-foot tall, 25-ton steel statue of a loon sits near the corner of Snelling and University, in St. Paul. Designed by famous Scottish sculptor Andy Scott, the sculpture was assembled last week.  The bird is 30 feet tall with a 90-foot wing span. It was still fenced off when I saw it yesterday. The area around it is mostly parking lots and roads that lead to Allianz Field. The area can best be described as bleak or gritty. Just across the street, there is a vacant CVS drugstore.

The sculpture is spectacular. I’ll get back for more photos when the fence comes down.

loom sculpture
Loon – corner of snelling and University
Loon Sculpture
Loom Sculpture
Loom sculpture
loon sculpture

The last picture is for context. I stood at the corner of University and Snelling, across the street from the site facing south with Allianz stadium in the background.



Throw back Thursday – RNC 2008

Xcel center during RNC 2008
Xcel Center during RNC 2008

Back in 2008, the Republican National Convention was held in St. Paul. Their nominee did not win that year. The financial crisis was just getting started. In a matter of months, the number of foreclosed homes rose sharply. The banks had been bailed out and homeowners paid the price. I well remember explaining to homeowners how much money they would need to bring to the closing when they sold their homes.

It seems like everything changed after the Great Recession and the housing market crash.

Garter snakes on the river bluff

I have lived in the West 7th neighborhood for most of my life. The block we live on is on the river bluff and the limestone is just beneath the soil. Garter snakes love it because the soil is warmer. Garter snakes love it. It isn’t unusual to see a few garter snakes sunning themselves on the basement window sills.

Occasionally a snake gets in the house. They can’t climb but they can fall in. They are not poisonous, they don’t have teeth and they usually slither away when someone comes near. They eat frogs, small mammals, earthworms, and insects. They hibernate in the winter.

Fear of snakes is common and some people have ophiophobia, which is an irrational fear of snakes. Over the years I have known people who bought houses that they could not live in due to fear of snakes.

It is best to ask about snakes before you buy. It is best to ask about anything that might affect your use or enjoyment of the property.

The snakes can be found anywhere in Minnesota and throughout St. Paul.

The Colorful Pilney Building

Last week I wrote about all black exteriors. This week I want to write about color.

The Pilney historic Art Deco style Pilney building was built in 1913. It was a grocery store until sometime in the 1990s, and it has since been converted into office space.

The building is located on Wesdt 7th at Oceola Avenue and is a local landmark. Recently an artist, Audry Carver painted a Mural on the building. Even without the artwork the building itself is a work of art.

Pileny Building
Pilney Building June 2024
Closeup Pilney building
Artwork by Audry Carver
Pilney building 2015
Pilney Building 2015

I just had to add the picture from 2015 because today is Thursday and this is a throw back.