Spring ahead but wear a mask.

I already set the clocks ahead one hour and am ready for spring. I decided to write about the pandemic now that we are at the beginning of year 3. Even though I am vaccinated and boosted I still wear a mask when I am indoors with others. The pandemic isn’t over and there will be a resurgence. It should hit sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving.

According to W.H.O the Western Hemisphere, with less than 13 percent of the world’s population, had reported 63 percent of all new known coronavirus cases in the first two months of 2022.

Cases, deaths, and hospitalizations are going down here in Minnesota and in most of the rest of the country but it isn’t the first time. We had a few months in the early summer of 2021 when we thought the pandemic was over but then it came back with a vengeance.

Just because we are tired of it and done with it doesn’t mean it is done with us.

I was never convinced that I could get Covid-19 from a doorknob or while out taking a walk. I didn’t bother to sanitize the groceries and I figured if I was at home I could touch my face anytime I wanted to without getting sick.

We have only had a few visitors in the last two years and one “normal” holiday celebration. Sure it sucks but it is what it is and yes we are living in fear but it is justified because almost a million people in the US have died of Covid-19 in the last two years and many more have experienced serious health problems that may be permanent.

Recently I read about a new variant that is a cross between Omicron and Delta. That is what happens in a world where most people are not vaccinated.

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