Biking weather is almost here

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Normally I would be taking this opportunity to remind everyone that daylight savings time starts on Sunday and to set your clocks ahead one hour and call me so I can sell your house.

We are going to have some warmish weather next week which is very exciting considering how freakishly cold it is right now. I can’t wait to get on my bike again.  I don’t do stationary bikes in front of screens. I go places, do things and meet people too. The bike trail system around St. Paul is ever-expanding. The picture below is of the capital city bikeway where it runs through downtown St. Paul.

With gasoline prices high and getting higher, I’ll be using my bike more than ever. Biking to the store is more fun than driving and faster than walking. It is great exercise no gym fee or screen required. Fancy clothing and special shoes are optional. Parking is generally plentiful and free even downtown.

Try biking and don’t forget to change your clock this weekend.


Capital city bikeway looking South
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