
Friday’s are for fun but I had sooooo much fun this week, I am too tired to write much.  I have at least one camera with me at all times.  I see things.  Sometimes I don’t see things but when I download the photos from the camera there are people in them that I didn’t see, or sometimes signs or cars.  I did see this guy cleaning windows.  He smiled and waved so I think it is OK to post his picture on my blog

I don’t much like heights.  I am not afraid of heights but for some reason I am afraid of falling and that is mostly what I think about when I try to climb a tall ladder or stand on a bridge an look over the side.  Everybody is afraid of something.  I have heard of cases where people are afraid of Realtors.

I don’t remember seeing this bus when I was taking pictures of the cathedral,  it kind of wrecked one of my shots.  Doesn’t it look  like he was going too fast?


Have a great weekend.  You don’t have to be afraid to go outside.  The weather will be lovely so enjoy the day.

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2 Replies to “Photo-ops”

  1. I’m sure many have said it, but I’m relatively new here…I LOVE your photos. I am also a photobug, and we share at least one camera in common, but you are doing something amazing that I haven’t figured out yet. You have inspired me to practice more! Thanks for sharing so many!

  2. Thanks Kara. The bottom photo is a blurry shot taken at a low shutter speed. The top one is a clear shot but I applied a photo effect when I processed it that makes the edges look blurry. I really enjoy taking photos, as you can probably tell. 🙂

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