I miss Duluth and Lake Superior

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Like a lot of other people, I have been mostly at home 26 hours a day for many days. This week seems particularly long. We kicked the week off with a mother’s day at home as usual.

I miss many things and one of them is going up to Duluth and watching the boat come in.  It isn’t the same as being there but I have been watching the boats and the harbor via live cam. I have also watched some pretty incredible sunrises over the lake. Sometimes I watch the sunrise as I drink my morning coffee. If I put it on full screen and turn the sound on it almost feels like I am there.

Narie going into the Harbor – screenshot from the harbor cam. 

Notice the temperature. It was 36F when this was taken.

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Canal Park from the live cam

The place looked kind of vacant. There are usually a lot more people walking around and tourists from all over the world. I am sure they miss it too.

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