Have a Super Tuesday

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Yes today is super Tuesday and here in Minnesota instead of going to the polls and voting in a primary we “caucus”.  There will be voting on a whole bunch of  “party” stuff including which candidate to nominate to run for president. It is all very grass roots and sometimes takes a little patience.

If you have never been to a caucus then you must go. They start at 7:00 PM and are held in your (precinct) area by your favorite political party, both major or minor. If you would like to find your precinct caucus visit the Minnesota secretary of state web site.

I have read a few articles already about how a new president will impact residential real estate. Honestly there are several factors that have an impact on local real estate and since our national government is run by three branches and the president is only one of those branches he doesn’t have as much control as some would have us believe.

Sometimes there are little advertisements on the internet about how the president lowered interest rates but the president doesn’t control the interest rates or forgive mortgages or anything like that.

The Minnesota Public Radio web site has a caucus guide which really explains how it all works and they even a photograph with the information that I think really captures what a caucus feels like to most attendees.

Have a super Tuesday!

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