
First Place
9  Dale Chumbly
Second Place
Elizabeth Acosta-Pearson,
Third Place
Sellsius Real Estate

Congratulations to Dale!  This years virtual pumpkin carving champion.  Some how his pumpkin Facebook2_2 looks vaguely familiar.  It could just be my imagination, but it almost looks like one of the avatars I use on the internet.

Both the avatar and the pumpkin are scary, so I guess it works.  Dale is a REALTOR, in Clark County Washington.  He did win a prize, but I have to contact him to see if he is interested.  Thank you all for participating, come back next year for the 2008 addition of the worlds first, and maybe only, virtual pumpkin carving contest.

It is Halloween.  Please be careful out there.  If you live in the Twin Cities and are looking for a safe, fun and warm place to take the children this evening consider the Mall of America home the worlds largest indoor trick or treating event.

Rotunda Entertainment Schedule
5:30 p.m. Costume Contest
6:30 p.m. Spooky but not Scarrry Magic Show
7:30 p.m. Creepy Crawly Animal Show

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9 Replies to “Halloween”

  1. You know, I must be an idiot because I just “got” the half-faced pumpkin. Guess I have too much Halloween on my mind, seeing as my son’s first birthday is today. Well, gotta go get him dressed up in his costume.

  2. Jennifer – you are not an idiot. 🙂 Happy birthday to your son. A guys fist birthday is very special. Enjoy!

    Larry – anyone who had the courage to enter is a winner.

  3. I tried – but my pumpkin was SO bad that I *virtually* smashed it on the sidewalk

  4. My virtual pumpkin was eaten by virtual squirrels. Then my virtual dog chased them and I had to virtually go looking for him. I must have been out there virtually all night long.

    Perhaps I’ve been online too much …

  5. Congrats to the winners of the virtual pumpkin contest.

    I’m busy eating my virtual candy!

  6. and I’m virtually skinny from all that virtual candy! ROFL

  7. Jennifer – my entire life has become virtual and I am not at all sure about reality. I know that I can do virtually anything all the time which is also virtual. What I am not sure about is if virtual sleep works for virtual exhaustion.

  8. I think I am virtually confused. I like the idea of virtual sleep. I’ll have to give that a go. I currently live on about 6 hours per night. If I could pick up a couple extra through the virtual world I’d be most refreshed.
    Have a safe night everyone!

  9. I draw the line at virtual sleep – my need for sleep is deeply rooted in reality – 9 hours is PERFECT and most nights, I actually get it! In fact, nighty-night!

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