How does my garden grow?

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Thanks for asking about the garden. Gardening is challenging in a hot dry climate. The climate in Minnesota used to be wetter and cooler in the summer. The grass used to be green and it rained several times a month.

This year I am having the most success with cucumbers and peppers. I am growing them in straw bales because it requires less water and no weeding.  The picture is of a cucumber I picked this week that is more than a foot long. I have had several cucumbers that size and used them for a batch of refrigerator pickles.  I added some jalapeno peppers to the mix.

My lunch today will likely include cucumbers.



I am been rethinking my perennial flowers. I used to grow a lot of lilies but these days I can’t seem to keep them alive except for daylilies which are basically weeds.  The cone flowers seem to do well as do the brown-eyed susans and this has been a great year for hollyhocks. I like to grow Zinnias for the butterflies and a neighbor gave me some Mexican Sunflower plants that seem to be impervious to heat and drought.

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