A friendly reminder on Friday the 13th

 It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  Since it is Friday the 13th I thought I would take this opportunity to remind everyone that not all summer camps are the same. 

I remember the first time I saw this movie it just about scared me to death.  I learned from it that certain types of girls get killed first and that the woods can be a dangerous place.   l

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2 Replies to “A friendly reminder on Friday the 13th”

  1. I still like watching this movie cause is makes me laugh at how scared it used to make me as kid. My cousin used to always make me watch it with him every Friday the 13th and we’d finally be able to go to sleep when his parent woke up on Sat morning.

  2. I agree with you Teresa! Not all summer camps are the same, specially the price. 🙂 This movie freaked out not just girls but boys too. Happy friday the 13th!

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