Where do you work from?

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. As I scroll through Linked-In I see several articles about people who work from home or who work from anywhere. In fact, people seem to be focused on where they work more so than what they do.

Some of it is “humble bragging”. The “look at me” I am (Name of gorgeous location).

I think what people do is more important than where they do it. There are a lot of BS-type jobs out there. There are jobs that no one would miss if they went away but the people who do them can do them from anywhere.

I can do some of my work from anywhere but I also have to show up and meet with people in person, usually at a time and location that is convenient for them. I make house calls often and for a variety of reasons. You might say that I work from everywhere but I have to be somewhere at all times.

Dedicating my life to a location doesn’t make sense to me. I suppose the work takes my mind off of where I am.

Lake at sunset
Lake Superior at sunset


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