The Spoonbridge and Cherry

Everyone who has a camera and isn't afraid to use it and has been to Minneapolis takes this photo.  I take it about once a year. I love the Minneapolis sculpture garden.  Maybe next year I'll see if I can find a new angle on it. I wonder what it would look like if I used photo shop and made the cherry blue?

I understand they took the thing apart so they can repaint the cherry. I always wondered how they kept it looking so red. 

There really isn't any point in stopping by the sculpture garden with out going next store and warming up in the conservatory and it doesn't make much sense to just walk in with a camera and not use it to shoot the standing glass fish. It isn't much of a sport because the fish doesn't move but it does have it's challenges.  With all the glass and the refection's it is hard to get a good shot. I think I did a better job this year than last year.   I used a wide angle lens with a polarizing filter (sort of like sunglasses for camera lenses)  and I used a little HDR when I processed the photo.


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