#Snowpocalypse 2010

letitsnow wm
Mears Park – Downtown St. Paul

It has been snowing since midnight and it looks like this storm is going to be even bigger than #snowmageddon09 which really was over hyped as a storm.   I recall it dropped about a half foot of snow.  Some are calling this storm #snowmygod but I like #snowpocalypse as the national weather service is still predicting 12 to 16 inches in the Twin Cities.  I am thankful that it is Saturday. 

frosts wm
W.A. Frosts on Selby Avenue
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3 Replies to “#Snowpocalypse 2010”

  1. Teresa, I love the new header image! Did you do the redesign, or contract it out?

  2. Teresa Boardman says:

    I am still working on the design in fact I made a couple of changes this morning like the banner. To answer your question some of it was hired out and some of it I am doing myself. I had it moved from typepad. I attempted to do that myself. Too much work. I hired foiliovison.com they did an AMAZING for with the technical move.

  3. I remember when you moved from typepad. I did the same and it was very painful. I wish I had known of Foiliovison back then, it would have saved me weeks of headaches with the naming problems.

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