Shadow or no 8 to 12 more weeks of winter

Happy groundhogs day. If you are observant you may have noticed that Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who gets to decide home many more weeks of winter we must endure is in  Pennsylvania.  Here in the Twin Cities in Minnesota, we are much further North. No matter what Phil says we have at least 8 more weeks of serious Winter weather. Realistically we have at least 10 more weeks of winter weather.

Those 10 weeks will feel more like six or even 9 months if we get a nice blizzard in mid-April.

apri blizzard
April 14 2018

Let’s just hope that mother nature is kind to us this year and we see some of that less wintery weather by mid-April

Crocus – March 21 2021

Happy Ground Hogs day! don’t let me ruin it for you. 🙂 This date marks the midpoint between the winter solstice in December and the spring equinox in March.

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