Seven hours

uncle-sam-bag-moneyIt is Friday and Fridays are for fun. For me it is still tax season and seven hours is how long it took me to gather up all of the documentation I collected in 2014 and total the numbers for each category and fill out the necessary forms so that I can have a professional who is also a grown-up prepare my income tax return.

I paid income taxes each quarter based on my best guess of how much money I would make in 2014 divided by 4 quarters. By my own calculations which are pretty crude I probably owe the state $800 and I may owe my uncle Sam as much as $4000 which isn’t a lot unless it is added to the thousands that I’ll need to pay for the first quarter of 2015.

The good news is that a lot of people get tax refunds and a percentage of them will use the money for part of a down payment on a home. If they work with me and I help them buy that home that tax refund will go right back into the economy and some of the money will be used to pay my own taxes. Isn’t life grand?

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