Sellers put the calendar away

 We encourage home sellers to declutter before they put their homes on the market.   Many things become clutter in this context.   Pictures, decorations even throw rugs and pillows. 

Occasionally I tour a home with my buyers and find a calendar on the fridge or on a wall prominently displayed for all to read.  Sone of the calendars are just a distraction that the buyers looks at and some provide a ton of information that can be used to help buyers negotiate an offer with some inside information that they ordinarily would not have. 

Sometimes sellers will have showings listed on the calendar and they will have moving dates or the date that they start a new job.  Some of the information may weaken the sellers negotiating power or even put them at a disadvantage.  

Consider putting the calendar away or at the very least move it so that it does not become the focal point in the kitchen or office. 

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The calendar on the wall in my home office
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