Realtor safety month

Realtor-Safety-LogoSeptember is national Realtor safety month. A few of us die on the job every year and the cause of death is homicide.  I am not sure the job is more dangerous than any other but there are some things that we do that can cause problems for us and even result in death.

1. Holding an open house.

2. Showing  houses to strangers.

3. Going into someone’s home to meet with them. Usually the reason for the meeting is to discuss selling the home.

There are some disagreements on how to do things safely. I am of the school that when I am showing a house I leave the doors unlocked for a quick and easy escape but have met agents who think that is a terrible practice because anyone can just walk right into the house.

Open houses are dangerous for both the homeowner and the agent. It is a good idea for the homeowner to lock up any valuables and agents are told to leave their valuables locked in their car or at home.

There are safety apps that Realtors can put on their phones and use. Most of them are designed to let someone know where we are so if we die they can find the body quicker.

I do take safety on the job seriously. A big part of on the job safety is about paying attention to surroundings and planning ahead. I have rarely felt unsafe while working.

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