Rates went up

Mortgage rates went up last week and have hit a six month high, 4.84%.  I never had a shot at an interest rate that low.  When I last purchased a home I would have been thrilled with a rate in the 6% range. 

The rates went from 4.66% to 4.875%, and applications for new mortgages declined by 5%.  Rates were higher were right around 5% on Thursday but went back down again.  The Mortgages Bankers Association is reporting that applications for new mortgages decreased because of the rate increase.  The up and down happened so fast I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that it did not reach the radar of many potential home buyers.

I think they decreased because of the holiday season, the economy and possibly the weather.  One weeks worth of mortgage application data really isn’t enough to make a news story. 

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One Reply to “Rates went up”

  1. Do you think the 5% decrease in new applications is attributed more to the rate increase or because it’s Christmas time and buyers are reluctant to do anything until 2011?

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