dissatisfied with satisfaction surveys


It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.   A couple of years ago I wrote a post about customer service, and I wrote it on a Friday even though Fridays are for fun and customer service is never fun. It used to be about pressing #1 for sales or #6 for support and being put on hold. Have you ever noticed that talking to a sales representative is almost always number 1 on the menu unless there is a billing department option?

Customer service has not changed much but now they have added a new feature the customer service  survey.  My guess is that it is supposed to improve customers service which I am learning is very different from customer satisfaction and has nothing to do with me or any products or services that I have purchased.  Even if they can’t help me they can and will send a survey.

Did you know that your call may be monitored for quality purposes? I am sure you did.  

Calling customer service is about an automated phone system that requires pressing every number on my phone at least once because “our options have changed”. 

When a human being comes on, if there is one, I am asked to recite a 25 digit serial number that is printed in .0005 font on the bottom of something that can not be lifted or turned over and then recite my name, email address, phone number, account number, the shoe size of my first born, the last four digits of my social security number, the middle 6 digits of a credit card number, my mothers maiden name and the color of my socks before I can be transfered to another department after I am put on hold again so that I can be asked the same questions all over again.

After I am done with the call and all hope of getting help has been crushed they annoy me with a customer service survey. 

The questions on the survey never address any of the issues that are important to me like the fact that I had to call for service or that the serial number is in .0005 font or that I have to answer too many  questions so the company can collect additional data to better serve me which is really about selling me more products that may need customer service so they can send me more surveys.

This week I found an online form that was so difficult to fill out that I gave up after only an hour and called for help.   They could not help me but agreed to send me a packet of paper forms to fill out and then sent a link to a costumer service survey.  I can’t fill out the survey but I won’t bother asking for customer service because there is no serial number on the form and without a serial number there is no customer service but probably another survey.

Did you know that your call is important?  I am sure that you did.

Please don’t give me any more customer service. I know that my call is important to you but you will need to get over it and move on because I am not going to bother calling again.  Find someone else to send your surveys to.

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6 Replies to “dissatisfied with satisfaction surveys”

  1. I feel your pain on this one Teresa, although in my case there was a happy ending. I’ve been having trouble with my website and needed to call GoDaddy a couple of times this week. Beats me why after NOT helping me they have the nerve to send a survey about a minute after I put down the phone! I ignored it.

    My problems didn’t go away of course and I needed to call again. That guy was spectacular and got my issues resolved. I told him I would be waiting for the survey…

    Moral of the story. Maybe if people aren’t participating in the surveys they’re not happy…

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      It usually takes more than one call to Godaddy

  2. I just had an automated call from a vendor saying they wanted to make sure I had received good customer service on a recent transaction. I did get great service…..but an automated follow up call left a bad taste in my mouth!


    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      almost makes a person not want to buy anything

  3. Most annoying to me is having to type in my account number (followed by the pound sign) so I can get transferred to a C.A.R. who asks me my account number as soon as we start to converse. Really? Why did I have to type it in if you’re just going to ask me anyway!

    1. Teresa Boardman says:

      That is standard. I discovered that if I don’t put in my account number followed by the # I still get a rep that I can give my account number to before being transfered to someone else that I need to give it to.

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