
by G. Sax, @gsax

One day, I didn’t do anything. Well, by modern standards or maybe just self-imposed standards, I did nothing. Sure, I made my own breakfast and went about my routines, but mostly I sat in my living room and watched TV like a bored teenager.

NothingIt was gratifying and mind-cleansing. I enjoyed the spoils of my home life, such as electricity, refrigeration, cable TV, wireless Internet, remote access to my work’s computer network, smartphone technology and indoor plumbing.

I turned off any sort of creeping negativity for a day, except when the Minnesota Wild hockey club dropped an overtime loss to the Los Angeles Kings.

I didn’t leave the house on this day. Except to pick up the large sausage and pepperoni pizza from Red’s Savoy. But that doesn’t really count because it’s a Saint Paul institution and still counts as home to a lot of us locals.

I watched one game show, seven movies, two sporting events and two news broadcasts before crashing out at about 2:00 a.m.

And then I awoke refreshed and ready to go 6 hours later. I couldn’t wait to do stuff. Work stuff. Home stuff. Creative stuff. Laundry. Dishes. Yard work. In the rain. In front of the computer. In the basement. Upstairs. On the phone. In the mail. I don’t care. Just get me going. And I’ll get it done.

Because lethargy and nothingness is not a natural state. We all have purpose. I really believe that. And those of you that are reading this because of a love of things Saint Paul or an interest in real estate, then perhaps your purpose is to do something beyond casual observance.

Help this little city with big dreams. Dig into the real estate market with your golden shovel. Build a new ballpark in downtown Saint Paul. Give an old neighborhood a needed upgrade. Get elected to do something vast or wondrously simple (and needed).

And if that’s not one of your purposes, then maybe it is to make me and T feel good about taking the time to write and photograph the things that we do. Or to poke us in our self-important eyes. :^o


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One Reply to “Nothing”

  1. Laugh out loud entertaining! And then wonderfully instructive and inspiring. All in one post. WOW. Nicely done!

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