My invention

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  I hear a rumor that we might get some March like weather this week. That would be nice for a change.

Most people don't know this but in 2007 I invented the virtual bus bench.  I recently gave it a slight make over to celebrate the two year anniversary of the invention.  I guess I am not sure if it is an invention or a creation but I think invention makes me sound smarter.

Virtual bus bench_edited-1

My virtual bench gets a lot of traffic. It has gotten vandalized over the years but it is easy to clean up. The message on the bench says it all.  I really am all that and a bag of chips, just ask me some time. In the real estate industry we call putting our faces on bus benches marketing.  I have never really been into face marketing.  I tried putting my face on my business cards but it didn't fit.   I took the photo that is on the bench with my blackberry through my rear view mirror.  It is better than the last professional photo I had taken.

I suspect that the bench gets more notice on the internet than it would out on the street and it doesn't cost me a dime to use the space.  It comes up number one in Google, but I don't think many people use the search: "virtual bus bench", but if they do they will find my face. 

Maybe next week I'll work on creating a virtual bus and a virtual bus stop for my bench. 

Have a great weekend!

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6 Replies to “My invention”

  1. Juanita McDowell says:

    Nice bench. What a creative marketing idea.

  2. T – This is awesome! I love it.

  3. Tempting, oh so tempting. 🙂

  4. teresa boardman says:

    I was going to put a mustache on it for you but it didn’t quite fit.

  5. Help me out here a little bit. A virtual bus bench is where you create a bus bench ad and then place it in a virtual city? You then put that image out there and wait to see if someone puts graffiti on it? I think that I might be confused.

  6. Teresa boardman says:

    No it is just a virtual bus bench which means that instead of being on a street it is on the internet. Same principle as a bunch bench. an advertisement. A little humor with the graffiti but I suppose not everyone get it but I guess it isn’t for everyone.

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