I dream of Ice cream

ice cream
Ice Cream

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I live in an area where there is lots of beer. We have canned beer, bottled beer, beer in plastic cups, green beer,  dark beer, light beer, beer in kegs, lager, ail, spilled beer, warm beer, cold beer and craft beer to name a few.  There are tap rooms and breweries and bars and restaurants that serve beer, and breweries that serve food. When there is an event the big tents are pitched and the out houses are brought in because . . . well we all know that beer is just borrowed. There is so much beer along West 7th that we couldn’t possibly drink it all ourselves so people come in from Minneapolis to help us out.

We have gallons and gallons of beer but almost no ice cream since the Dairy Queen closed. If there was even a teaspoon of ice cream for every 500 gallons of beer we could transform a neighborhood. I can picture it now all rainbows and unicorns with little rosy cheeked children on tricycles with streamers and bells holding waffle cones filled with beer ice cream.

If someone could make beer flavored ice cream maybe part of the building that used to house Seventh Heaven has some vacant space that could be turned into a beer ice cream parlor that serves beer too or maybe the cities oldest firehouse which is to the left in this picture could be turned into “The historic firehouse beer and ice cream parlor”. I know we can’t have ice cream but we can always have more beer so maybe if we can combine them some how we can have both.

Someone told me we don’t have enough children in the area to support ice cream sales. I can’t help but wonder if we wouldn’t have more children in the area if there was more ice cream. I am sure the beer isn’t keeping them away. I like ice cream and I am not a children. My father who is in his very late 80’s believes that eating a little ice cream can help solve most any problem. So I am going to bring him some ice cream and maybe he can help me figure out how to turn some vacant commercial space into an ice cream parlor.

I have a dream . . . I dream of ice cream

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2 Replies to “I dream of Ice cream”

  1. Izzy’s has a Summit Oatmeal Stout ice cream in its rotation. A neighborhood beer, too. Why couldn’t we get a little Izzy’s outpost (an Izzy’s Izzy) here?

  2. Teresa Boardman says:

    Izzy’s would be most welcome. As for beer flavored ice cream I am not a fan but I am relatively sure it is the only way ice cream will find it’s way into a beer neighborhood.

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