No you do not have to grow grass

According to a new Minnesota law cities can not require homes to have grass lawns.

The new language requires cities to allow homeowners to install and maintain a “managed natural landscape,” defined as “a planned, intentional, and maintained planting of native or nonnative grasses, wildflowers, forbs, ferns, shrubs, or trees.”

The law explicitly states that “turf-grass lawns left unattended” are excluded from the definition of a “managed natural landscape,”. This means mowing-averse homeowners are not allowed to simply let their grass grow and declare it a natural garden.

Our lawn is mostly weeds but we mow it anyway.  I also grow many types of perennials and native plants. The bees and butterflies and goldfinches enjoy the Zinnias. The bees love the cone flowers, hostas, and hollyhocks too. I like to think I have a little something for everyone.

Having less lawn has been a gradual process.

collage of flowers from my garden
For the bees and butterflies
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