Gathering intelligence from social media

socialWhen I get an offer on one of my listings I sometimes go to Facebook and to Linked-in so that I can find out a little more about the buyer before I send the offer on to the home seller.  I also consult with Google.

Some of my clients do the same thing and not just o find out about home buyers.  We can also find out quite a bit about home sellers.  Recently some clients of mine found out through Facebook about  the plans the sellers had for moving and how badly they needed to move.  They found out about an offer the sellers had on a home they really wanted and the offer was contingent on the sale of their current home, which was the home my buyers had their eyes on.

There on no secrets on the internet but it is possible to leave information about buying or selling real estate off of Facebook if you don’t want potential buyers or sellers to know about it.  I had some clients a few years back who picked up all sorts of gossip through their church about people who were selling homes in the area.  in my entire career the worst situation I ever saw way because a couple said too much in front of their friends at church.

It works the same for real estate agents.  There are a whole lot of things related to the sales of homes that I just don’t talk about.

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