Congratulations to Horacio and Sara

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posted by (C)T

Moving is never easy, and neither is finding the right home.  Congratulations to Horacio and Sara, they will be moving from New York to Minnesota, and have just purchased this lovely home in Minneapolis not far from lake Calhoun

We started the process on the internet some time last winter, and met in person a few months ago.  We saw some properties that were a bit disappointing too. We worked together on the internet for months.  I would look at properties for them and upload and put pictures on the internet.  I took pictures of furnaces and water heaters too.  I am happy that it all worked out and they got the home they wanted. Real estate is local so there was a learning curve.  In New York lawyers write purchase agreements.  Here in Minnesota Realtors write them.  It does take awhile to understand our customs here, doncha know.  🙂

I really enjoyed working with you and hope that you will enjoy your new home for many years.

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One Reply to “Congratulations to Horacio and Sara”

  1. What a charming and warm looking home. I’m envious.

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