Chickens and Coffee Mug 30

 It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  This year I am doing a 365 project where I take one photograph a day of the same subject for a month.  My subject for January was a coffee mug because I figured it would be easy and I would not have to go out in the cold to photograph it, yet I can not tell you how happy I am that January is over and I can move on. 

I have a new subject for February and in coming months I may choose to photograph a place for a month or a different type of subject.  It could be broad or narrow or just a theme. 

My project inspired others.  Sara Kerr decided to play along by photographing her chickens everyday and posting pictures on her daily chicken blog.  This  week we did a 365 mash up with her chickens and my coffee mug. 

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Chickens eating oatmeal from a coffee mug

The project may seem silly but I have learned a lot and have gotten a ton of unwanted and unsolicited advice about how to proceed with this, what is and what isn’t a subject and how boring the project is along with all sorts of ideas of what I should do with the coffee mug and what my future subjects should be.  

There are also the predictable attempts at humor where people call my pictures “mug shots”.   So many ideas and here I am ignoring them all, pressing on and doing my own thing with a total disregard for the opinions of others. 

As for the chickens, yes you can have chickens in the city but you need a permit and have to follow a bunch of rules because we have rules.  See then on the city of St. Paul web site. 

Have a great weekend. 

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One Reply to “Chickens and Coffee Mug 30”

  1. I have come to the conclusion that if you were to ask six people “What is art?”, you’d get eight opinions.

    Keep on keeping on, Teresa, and create your *own* art!

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