Check your smoke alarms

When the smoke alarm batteries die it usually happens at around 2:30 AM. They chirp and the smoke alarms are conveniently located right by the bedrooms and a ladder is required to reach them.

If you change the battery or in some cases the backup battery once a year it probably won’t give out in the middle of the night. I like to do that in October right after I call and schedule my furnace tune-up.

According to the Minnesota Department of Safety, 41% of fire-related deaths occur in December and January. There are more housefires in the winter than during the warmer months.

If you do not have working smoke alarms you still have time to get them before the peak house fire season. If you live in St. Paul:

For Saint Paul Residents

Did you know, that as a Saint Paul resident, you may be eligible for FREE smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, StoveTop Fire Stops, and training from the Saint Paul Fire Department?

Call 651-228-6273 for more information

House Fire in St. paul
House Fire

Did you know that smoke detectors do not last forever? Well, they don’t. If yours are ten years old consider replacing them.


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