Buying New construction homes

There isn’t a lot of new construction in the area but there is some and I like to remind home buyers that yes they can and should buy new construction with the help of their Realtor. Builders are happy to work with us and we can save you money and some hassles too. The nice agent in the model home is representing the seller. Sure they will work with you and they really know the project better than your own agent does but they are looking out for the sellers best interest not yours.

One of the biggest differences between buying new construction and a private home is the difference between dealing with a business instead of a homeowner. They even get to use special purchase agreements.

The easiest way to involve your agent is to include their name when your sign in at the model home without your agent. The best way is to call your agent and let him or her know that you are interested in the project. That way he or she can call the builders agent and get you registered.

New Construction

One common question buyers ask about new construction is if builders will accept less than the asking price. Often they will not but they may pay closing costs or add a few extras that ordinarily would not be included in the price.

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One Reply to “Buying New construction homes”

  1. I agree. If you have an agent, it makes sense to keep them informed in all the options you are looking at for a new home. An informed agent that understands what you are looking for will be your best agent. Win, win.

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