As the RNC Approaches, there is no place for Pigeon poop

They are pretty busy over at the Xcel center getting ready for the RNC (Republican National Convention).  The parking lot on Eagle Street is full of semi trailers.  Those of us who live near the area don’t really know what to make of it.  The rumors are flying that we will not be able to leave our homes, or get back to them if we do leave, during the convention.  I will of course be covering the convention live. I have not decided how I will pull it off, but I promise that my coverage will be much different than that of the local and national media.

When I am out and about during the day I see city trucks everywhere.  They are still working on the River Front park.  The water fountains have not been running since last August.   The Raspberry Island park was supposed to be completed in July of 2007, they seem to be working like crazy now to make that deadline. I took this picture last summer, the brown blob in the middle of the river is the park.


Pigeon control for the convention is a big concern, yet local pigeons do not seem to be at all concerned. As they continue to hold meetings and high level strategy sessions on building ledges around town.

1 7th Place

I know I have better pigeon pictures somewhere but this really is their headquarters for the convention, so it is probably the best picture.

St. Paul will never be the same again, because of the convention.  I have not decided if that is a good thing, or a bad thing but I am certain it is worthy of a few blog posts, besides right now it is far more exciting than our real estate market.

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5 Replies to “As the RNC Approaches, there is no place for Pigeon poop”

  1. come join me on my balcony! I’m planning to watch it all go down with my gas mask (I don’t want to get a big cloud of tear gas to ruin my fun).

  2. teresa boardman says:

    Bud – thanks but I would never look down on the Republicans. besides to get to your place I have to go past the convention center and I don’t think they will let me get that close

  3. Lived through the 2000 convention in Philadelphia. Had a apartment only a couple of blocks away. My favorite was watch the protesters “mingle” with the mounted police.

    Lock your door and don’t talk to strangers…..well, they are all strange, don’t talk to anyone.

  4. THIS is the place to buy bird control products for commercial or business pest pigeon control needs.

  5. Ruthmarie Hicks says:

    Didn’t any republicans see the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds?” Don’t they realize that no matter how hard they try to suppress the bird delegation that the pigeons will insist on having their delegates seated at the convention? – And if they aren’t – well – we all saw the movie….

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