6 Photos That Say St. Paul

by G. Sax

A meal out of the house. Two-for-one dinner at a favorite St. Paul haunt courtesy of the St. Paul Saints (economy tip: always check the back of your ticket stubs). I'm a tourist in my own town, so I thought I'd take the camera out and pretend to be T. Boardman. I don't pretend to give my photos the same spice, but I do enjoy trying to find the right *click* worth keeping. My wife says 6 is her lucky number, so 6 it is.

Arundel and Front

1) Arundel and Front. The nostalgic corner looks over Front Recreation Center. Rec centers are a St. Paul staple. Growing up, Front was just as much my team as the Vikings. And rec centers like Orchard, Sylvan, and North Dale were division rivals akin to the Bears, Packers, and Lions. Rec centers are struggling these days, but if they close Front, it will be a mistake. The skateboard kids and weightlifters have a great thing going. We can't all bask in the shine of North Dale or any number of suburban community centers, nor do we really want to. All we need is a backstop and a swing set.

Pig's Eye

2) Pig's Eye. That's what we called water caps and sidewalk engravings on our way home from school. If you stepped on one, tagged your friend, and said "Pig's Eye!" then your friend was "it." Pig's Eye is what St. Paul was, and I'm sure we got the game phrase from something we used to step on.

Tiger Jack

3) Tiger Jack's Shack. It's been many years since he stood outside waving at passerby and selling hickory chips. St. Paul benefits by the sparkle of such personalities, living and gone.

Victoria Crossing

4) Victoria Crossing. The dragon presides over preppy outings, Sunday brunches, biker toughs, and high-heeled boys at the intersection of Victoria and Grand. I like how the clouds compliment the dragon's vibe.

Groveland Tap

5) Groveland Tap. Destination: delicious.

Summit Tappers 

6) Summit Tappers. We're lucky to have such a great local brewery in our city. Other great craft beers are starting to sprout up around town, and they all owe Summit for showing the locals that there is life after Hamm's, Schmidt, and Stroh's.
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One Reply to “6 Photos That Say St. Paul”

  1. Great stuff. Northwest Como was my rec center. Maybe I could get my t-ball team back together to show Front who’s boss?

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