Is Winter what is used to be?

I wrote this in December of 2010. It was one of those winters when the snow banks were so high along the streets that it was hard to see if cars were coming when we tried to cross the street.

We ran out of places to put the snow once it was removed from the streets. Snow was hauled to the parking lot of the Sears store on University Avenue.  By the end of the season, there was a huge snow pile. I am not making this up, it took until July for the pile to completely melt.

I am not complaining but pointing out that the last real winter was about three years ago.


letitsnow wm
Mears Park – Downtown St. Paul

It has been snowing since midnight and it looks like this storm is going to be even bigger than #snowmageddon09 which really was overhyped as a storm.   I recall it dropped about a half foot of snow.  Some are calling this storm #snowmygod but I like #snowpocalypse as the national weather service is still predicting 12 to 16 inches in the Twin Cities.  I am thankful that it is Saturday.

frosts wm
W.A. Frosts on Selby Avenue
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