The Vulcans win every time

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  Even though it has been cold as %$#@!! outside I have been enjoying the Saint Paul Winter Carnival. It is a sign that maybe one-day things will be more like they were during the before time.

Vulcans in the Grand day parade

I took the picture at the Grand Day parade last weekend. On Saturday the Vulcans will defeat Winter after the torchlight parade. Vulcanus Rex will fight with King Boreus and he will win which will mean winter will be beaten and it will warm up again in a few months.

It will be warm enough on Saturday to go outside. The parade starts at 5:30  and goes from Mears Park to Rice Park. Some folks watch it from the skyways but if you really want to experience it go outside near Rice Park and watch from there.

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