visit our web site for help

 It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  I have never understood why our internet provider is always advertising that they have a web site for technical support.  I just hate it when I am put on hold when I call for help and I am being reminded that I can get help from the web site instead of waiting for the next available representative who like all of the representatives is busy but my call is important . . and will be answered by the next available representative. . . and may be recorded for quality purposes.  Quality in this context has to do with how they handle cranky callers not with the quality of the actual service when it is up and running. 

Why would I call for technical support if I had internet access?  Do I like being put on hold where I can listen to advertising for the fastest best internet service on the planet when I have no internet access at all?  My internet access quits at random times.  

Apparently while I am on the internet I do something that makes the access go away.  No one can tell me what it is I am doing wrong but they can tell me that it isn’t the fault of their service if I lose my connection.  I still remember when I was asked to reverse a cable to clean out a line and seriously I am not making that up.  The representative I talked to explained that if I reversed the line I would be “blowing it out”.  Naturally that call was not recorded for quality purposes.

I took a screen shot of the tech support web site and it looks the same as all web sites look when there is no internet access. How is this supposed to help me? 

https www google
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