Turkey and holiday lights

wild turkey
Wild Turkey – Lilydale Regional Park

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I am still in denial about Thanksgiving. I put up the outdoor holiday lights last weekend just to take my mind off of it.

I have been hosting Thanksgiving for at least 30 years. This year it will just be the two of us because of the pandemic and the Mr. doesn’t like turkey. I’ll roast a chicken and maybe a turkey breast or we may order dinners from a nearby restaurant.

Under the governor’s newest order, which goes into effect this afternoon, social gatherings are limited to 10 from no more than 3 households. The rule is based on recommendations from the CDC.  Obviously, there isn’t any way to enforce it.

Many people that I know have exempted themselves from changing or limiting their thanksgiving celebration.  They have reasons, why they need to gather a celebrate.

As Americans we are special. We have rights and no one can tell us what to do which is why we are the world leader in deaths from COVID-19.

A couple of weeks after the Thanksgiving holiday we will see a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. The hospitals are already stressed and they don’t always have enough staff or PPE because they simply were designed for this kind of onslaught.

A year from now we may be able to get a vaccine. I am already making plans for Thanksgiving 2021 and am prepared to host that Thanksgiving dinner outside in the late summer or early fall if it doesn’t look like the pandemic will be under control by next November.

I hope that everyone in my family is alive next year because of the actions we took this year but I know that my family will also be affected by what your family does. Please choose wisely, yesterday 150K people in the US tested positive for COVID-19.

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