Tobey is s_xy

You will have to use your imagination for the title of this post.  Just keep in mind that it is Friday and Friday’s are for fun.  Here’s the deal if I spell it out I will  get spam  for weeks that clogs  up my email accounts, as they try to sell pharmaceuticals that I think are for men.  . . besides you know what I mean.

This is Tobey, he is a beagle that apparently doesn’t like to swim.  He lives on a real estate blog inAvatarthumbnail Phoenix AZ, and Jonathan Dalton belongs to him.   They have a blog together.  I also have a beagle, her name is daisy.  Jonathan and I have been kicking around the idea of a "my beagle is cuter than yours" kind of thing.  I have to say, I don’t have a picture of daisy in her swimming floats so it is going to be hard to compete.  Daisy hangs out on my other blog, the blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.  I don’t have much time to write on it and figure I do just find destroying the English language right Daisylegs_2here on St. Paul re.  I digress.

This is Daisy, I took the picture about a year ago.  She was waiting to be taken for a walk and I was working.  It falls into the "life just isn’t fair" category, and she survived it. 

I have to agree with Jonathan, Tobey is pretty cute, but I still think Daisey is cuter, and she is probably smarter too.  Just last night she managed to steal two slices of bread while my back was turned for ten seconds.  She knows how to sit and stay and dance and shake.  I don’t get why she sticks her paw out when I say "shake" I have been trying to get her to shake, you know like she does when she hears thunder,  for months but she doesn’t get it.

This started out to be a mine is cuter than your’s post but I think I will just skip it and say that we really are attached to our pets.

Have a great weekend, walk your dogs, pet your cats and if you have gold fish, well good luck with that. 🙂

Jonathan – thanks for the picture of Tobey . . he is cute, I am not so sure about S-xy.  I hate to mention this but they do kind of look alike.


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8 Replies to “Tobey is s_xy”

  1. My beagle is mixed with Australian shepherd and has blue eyes and a gray/black/white marled coat. Other than that, he’s all beagle.

    I firmly believe that beagles are among the best family pets EVER.

    Daisy and Tobey are perfect examples.

  2. Sarah – beagles are too high maintenance for some but I agree they do make great family pets.

  3. They are too high maintenance especially when they need new knees, as Tobey has.

    Or when they’re eating the house, as Captain Morgan (the not-so-puppy beagle) is doing.

    My wife would like to add that in profile, Tobey exudes testosterone. She’s beginning a write in campaign to People to replace Matt Damon who, frankly, looks like he’s six years old in the cover photo.

  4. Jonathan…Tobey has new knees? Daisy and Tobey are both adorable. I don’t think of beagles as se_y. I guess I can’t think of a breed o’canines that is se_y…. now cats… My dog is a beagle mix. Beagles have a great face.

  5. I am with you Maureen, it is Jonathan’s wife who decided Tobey is s-xy

  6. Jason – Zoie is just adorable. 🙂

  7. Very nice, Jason …

    I’m not so sure Morgan’s that attractive but it could be the carpet remnants in his mouth.

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