Three day weekend?


It is Friday and Fridays are for fun.  Did you ever dream about being self employed?  How great it would be to be your own boss?  Well it does have its moments but a day off with pay just isn’t going to happen.  A three day weekend isn’t all that realistic either, a day off may be possible at some point in the future.  Affordable health insurance isn’t even on the table and well . . it has its moments.   Sometimes I think it would be nice to work nine to five instead of from five to nine and have weekends off but it has it’s moments. 

I was recently reading some blog posts written by a neighbor who just started is own business.  He seems pretty excited about it all.  He gets a big kick out of working in coffee shops and has apparently bonded with all his new Apple hardware.  My guess is that he is getting health insurance through his wifes job which is why he can still afford coffee and still seems to be in such a good mood. 

Have a wonderful weekend and please try to keep the real estate emergencies to a minimum. 

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One Reply to “Three day weekend?”

  1. Hey Teresa,
    I have heard that a good reason to get into real estate is that we get to set our own hours. Mine seem to be set at 9am to 9 pm for the past 5 years or so but I don’t remember choosing same?

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