The Saintly City

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. Crashed ice is in town for the weekend. There will be plenty of drinking and debauchery and parties in the streets . . . well at least on West 7th street. It is fun to watch. In the past I have gotten a media pass so that I could get close enough for some photos but once I learned that sports photography is a contact sport I kind of lost interest in getting the media pass. I’ll let the pros get the close-ups and I’ll take pictures of the venue.

Here is a picture of the cathedral after the lighting crew got done. It is simply gorgeous.

St, Paul cathedral – Crashed ice 2016

Here is what it will look like during the event. . . up close.


crahsd ice
Crashed ice 2014

The weather forecast is predicting temperatures in the 50’s on Saturday which is about 60 degrees warmer than it was the night I took the photo of the race. If you want to know more  look at the official crashed ice web site. 

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