The perfect agent

It has been awhile since I have mentioned Zillow on this site. I’ll admit I like “zestimates” they are a great way to start a conversation about real estate. Yesterday I was searching Zillow looking for an agent with 1, 2, 3 or 4 star reviews. Zillow agents all have five star reviews. I am not sure what to make of it. I think agents can control which reviews get published on the site. It makes sense that they would only publish the five star reviews and since reviews are for marketing it makes sense to ask for rating from satisfied customers rather than dissatisfied customers.

Being a premiere Zillow agent costs a lot of money. Agents buy a zip code which makes them an expert and a really good agent too.

I agree with the idea of reviews but I don’t have any on Zillow. I am not a Zillow agent and besides I already know that if I had reviews on Zillow they would all be five star reviews.


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