Remember the bees?

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. I am happy that I have taken pictures of bees. I don’t see many honey bees or bumblebees these days. My friends with pollinator-friendly gardens haven’t noticed a decrease in the bee population. Beekeepers nationwide have noticed a decrease for many years.

Maybe there are plenty of bees but that they have better things to do than congregating in my yard to pose for pictures. They are all hiding in my neighbor’s bee-friendly gardens.

In the world of flower photographs photographing flowers with bees on them is generally frowned upon. Lucky for me I kind of do my own thing, especially when it comes to any kind of rules about photography or art.

I have found that the best way to get a close-up picture of a bee is to use a telephoto lens. That way I don’t disturb them and they leave me alone.


Bee on purple aster
Honey bee on sedum taken in 2016
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