Plants make a house a home

It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. In the summer I enjoy gardening. In the Winter I bring it indoors and grow several varieties of plants. I have a pair of large jade plants that spend the summer on the front porch and the winter in the house. They bloom around Thanksgiving time and I sometimes decorate them with lights for Christmas.  I grow herbs in the kitchen that I use for seasoning. Some of my plants are cuttings from various seasonal flowering plants I grew last summer.

My mother and my mother-in-law both grew African violets but I grow them anyway. Some plants are low maintenance and others require a little bit of work. Usually, it is just a matter of the right amount of light and water. I move them around and instead of watering them on a schedule, I check the soil if it is dry I add water. 🙂

It is nice to see something green and growing in the dirt when everything outside is mostly white or brown and frozen. As we move into February and the days are a tad longer the plants will grow more and I’ll need to give them some plant food to keep them happy.

A few of my house plant friends
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