Low Hanging Fruit

Low_Hanging_Fruit_Charcoal_1It is Friday and Fridays are for fun. The weather has been gorgeous this week.  it has been hard for me to concentrate . . oh look a butterfly!

The week isn’t over yet and today should be fun at the Social Media Breakfast also knows as #smbsmp25.  They are even going to let me say a few words which is just another example of why the Twin Cities are such a great place to live.

Some Fridays it is hard to write this post. I have a sense of humor . . trust me being a Realtor requires a sense of humor.

One of the easiest things to make jokes about is the real estate industry. That is low hanging fruit which is why I try to resist and go for something more challenging,

There is one thing that has been on my mind a lot lately and that is all the Realtor web sites and real estate web sites that offer a “free home search”.  Now I am seeing that people can also use their phones to search for homes for free.

I don’t think that any of the homes are free in fact they all seem to have prices on them so I have concluded that they are advertising the fact that the search  is free.  Kind of like going to the grocery store.   I can search for my favorite kind of tea as long as I want to and I don’t have to pay to do it.

What I would like to know is who pays to search on the internet for a home and who charges for an online home search.  I have never charged anything for the use of my home search.  I pay a monthly subscription to have it on my web site and I just let people use it when ever they want to and I don’t even bug them about buying a house.  It never occurred to me that I could charge people for using the home search feature.  I am probably missing out on some revenue. Someone must be charging for home searches or I would not keep seeing “free home search” that isn’t a search for free homes but a place where people can search for homes for free.

Now I confused myself . .oh look a robin.  Have a great weekend and don’t pay a fee to use an online home search just use mine for free . . but the houses are not free.

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2 Replies to “Low Hanging Fruit”

  1. This post cracked me up. Especially where you wrote “they all seem to have prices on them” hee! I think it’s even more funny at 12:30 at night…

  2. Elaine Solomon says:

    I love your writing, it is very amusing. Just starting a website for real estate in Miami, hope people enjoy reading me as much.

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