Leaf Raking and Apple Picking

Fall Magazine

Fall lasts a couple of days in these parts and this year we went from summer to Fall in one day.  It was sunny and around 75 degrees and then a cold wind blew through and it has been a bit cool ever since, not to mention more than a week of rain.  Oops I just mentioned it.  It is nice to have seasons, it would get boring if it was sunny and beautiful every day. I just made that last part up.

Heating season officially begins on the 15th. That means that it is about time to turn on that big thing in the basement that makes all the noise and go out and get a furnace filter or twelve.   When the next bill from Xcel Energy comes it will need to be opened carefully because shoveling snow isn't the only thing that can cause a heart attack.

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3 Replies to “Leaf Raking and Apple Picking”

  1. Very fun photo compilation, Teresa – it really does look like a magazine cover! I love it…

  2. Hey, T. That magazine is a year old! 🙂

  3. Kris – I created it for a post last October and I have to say when it comes to Winter it is the same every year. The heating season starts on Oct 15th and the price of natural gas goes up. Frost bite is just as sexy this year as it was last year and bomber hats are not just for dudes.

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